All posts tagged: suburb

Running With the Bull — or from the bull!

“Have cameras, will travel” is my usual motto on any given day.  I’ll be driving through the countryside and see something, pull over, dodge (or sometimes stop) traffic, and I’m off to snap a picture or two.  Not an unusual event in my life.  So on a relatively nice day in a northern suburb of Atlanta, a friend and I were on our way to tour a new real estate development.  We’re laughing and chatting and all of a sudden I see a field that hadn’t been bush-hogged, and there was one lone cow standing  in the distance.  I rarely miss an opportunity to photograph cows. Of course, my right foot stomps on the brake, my friend is wondering “what the .  .  . ” and I’m u-turning in the middle of a rather busy two-lane road to find a place to pull over, jump out and start photographing this cow.  After almost driving off into a deep ditch on the side of the road, falling out of the car, grabbing my cameras, I’m off to the …