All posts tagged: graduation

Part of a Military Family and Finding Strength

I really have to get better at this social networking . . . posting here, there, and yonder . . . existing in a 21st-Century society.  But all too often, the seconds, minutes, and hours of my day pass so quickly and before I know it, it’s another day gone and another one on the horizon. However, I’ve been otherwise pre-occupied over the last few weeks, with my youngest, my son Ross, a U.S. Marine, being deployed to Afghanistan.  Many hours and days have passed where I have been thinking about where he might be, what he might be doing, and is he safe, warm, getting enough to eat, getting enough rest, and is he, too, having his family back at home foremost in his thoughts.  In our current over-technologically-advanced society, we, as families of U.S. Military members, find it hard to conceive that we can’t pick up a phone and call them, compose an email and send it over thousands of miles where they can read it within a matter of a few hours, or write a …