Year: 2013

Celebrate the Fourth of July with Mathai!

For me, where it began . . . It started back in 2012, my introduction to Mathai.  Late winter/early spring, a phone call from a long-time friend, John, who said, “I have this artist, she’s really talented, you need to meet her, we want you to photograph her,” let’s get it together.  I would meet this beautiful girl, barely 18 years old,  living on her own here in Atlanta, who had a beautiful smile and talent beyond belief.  Appearing on the second season on “The Voice,” blowing the judges away during her blind auditions and choosing to be on Adam Levine’s team, Mathai would move on to finish in the Top 10.  From there, her career has been growing. Our first meeting — which was at Icon Studios in downtown Atlanta, the location of our first studio shoot that started late one evening and ran into the early morning hours of the following day — was quite an interesting first meeting.  Mathai was being pulled into several directions — working with a stylist, make-up artist, …